170 research outputs found

    Exciton-polaritons in lattices: A non-linear photonic simulator

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    AbstractMicrocavity polaritons are mixed light–matter quasiparticles with extraordinary nonlinear properties, which can be easily accessed in photoluminescence experiments. Thanks to the possibility of designing the potential landscape of polaritons, this system provides a versatile photonic platform to emulate 1D and 2D Hamiltonians. Polaritons allow transposing to the photonic world some of the properties of electrons in solid-state systems, and to engineer Hamiltonians for photons with novel transport properties. Here we review some experimental implementations of polariton Hamiltonians using lattice geometries

    Theoretical study of stimulated and spontaneous Hawking effects from an acoustic black hole in a hydrodynamically flowing fluid of light

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    We propose an experiment to detect and characterize the analog Hawking radiation in an analog model of gravity consisting of a flowing exciton-polariton condensate. Under a suitably designed coherent pump configuration, the condensate features an acoustic event horizon for sound waves that at the semiclassical level is equivalent to an astrophysical black hole horizon. We show that a continuous-wave pump-and-probe spectroscopy experiment allows to measure the analog Hawking temperature from the dependence of the stimulated Hawking effect on the pump-probe detuning. We anticipate the appearance of an emergent resonant cavity for sound waves between the pump beam and the horizon, which results in marked oscillations on top of an overall exponential frequency dependence. We finally analyze the spatial correlation function of density fluctuations and identify the hallmark features of the correlated pairs of Bogoliubov excitations created by the spontaneous Hawking process, as well as novel signatures characterizing the emergent cavity

    Efficacy of biologics for alveolar ridge preservation/reconstruction and implant site development: An American Academy of Periodontology best evidence systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND The use of biologics may be indicated for alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) and reconstruction (ARR), and implant site development (ISD). The present systematic review aimed to analyze the effect of autologous blood-derived products (ABPs), enamel matrix derivative (EMD), recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB (rhPDGF-BB), and recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2), on the outcomes of ARP/ARR and ISD therapy (i.e., alveolar ridge augmentation [ARA] and maxillary sinus floor augmentation [MSFA]). METHODS An electronic search for eligible articles published from January 2000 to October 2021 was conducted. Randomized clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of ABPs, EMD, rhBMP-2, and rhPDGF-BB for ARP/ARR and ISD were included according to pre-established eligibility criteria. Data on linear and volumetric dimensional changes, histomorphometric findings, and a variety of secondary outcomes (i.e., clinical, implant-related, digital imaging, safety, and patient-reported outcome measures [PROMs]) were extracted and critically analyzed. Risk of bias assessment of the selected investigations was also conducted. RESULTS A total of 39 articles were included and analyzed qualitatively. Due to the high level of heterogeneity across studies, quantitative analyses were not feasible. Most studies in the topic of ARP/ARR revealed that the use of biologics rendered similar results compared with conventional protocols. However, when juxtaposed to unassisted healing or socket filling using collagen sponges, the application of biologics did contribute to attenuate post-extraction alveolar ridge atrophy in most investigations. Additionally, histomorphometric outcomes were positively influenced by the application of biologics. The use of biologics in ARA interventions did not yield superior clinical or radiographic outcomes compared with control therapies. Nevertheless, ABPs enhanced new bone formation and reduced the likelihood of early wound dehiscence. The use of biologics in MSFA interventions did not translate into superior clinical or radiographic outcomes. It was observed, though, that the use of some biologics may promote bone formation during earlier stages of healing. Only four clinical investigations evaluated PROMs and reported a modest beneficial impact of the use of biologics on pain and swelling. No severe adverse events in association with the use of the biologics evaluated in this systematic review were noted. CONCLUSIONS Outcomes of therapy after post-extraction ARP/ARR and ARA in edentulous ridges were comparable among different therapeutic modalities evaluated in this systematic review. Nevertheless, the use of biologics (i.e., PRF, EMD, rhPDGF-BB, and rhBMP-2) in combination with a bone graft material generally results into superior histomorphometric outcomes and faster wound healing compared with control groups

    Polaritonic XY-Ising machine

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    Gain-dissipative systems of various physical origin have recently shown the ability to act as analogue minimisers of hard combinatorial optimisation problems. Whether or not these proposals will lead to any advantage in performance over the classical computations depends on the ability to establish controllable couplings for sufficiently dense short- and long-range interactions between the spins. Here, we propose a polaritonic XY-Ising machine based on a network of geometrically isolated polariton condensates capable of minimising discrete and continuous spin Hamiltonians. We elucidate the performance of the proposed computing platform for two types of couplings: relative and absolute. The interactions between the network nodes might be controlled by redirecting the emission between the condensates or by sending the phase information between nodes using resonant excitation. We discuss the conditions under which the proposed machine leads to a pure polariton simulator with pre-programmed couplings or results in a hybrid classical polariton simulator. We argue that the proposed architecture for the remote coupling control offers an improvement over geometrically coupled condensates in both accuracy and stability as well as increases versatility, range and connectivity of spin Hamiltonians that can be simulated with polariton networks

    Liquidación de sociedad de gananciales y adjudicación de herencia

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    Como consecuencia del fallecimiento de D. Miguel se produce la división y posterior adjudicación de los bienes que conforman el caudal relicto del causante entre los herederos. Sin embargo, antes de llevar a cabo tales operaciones particionales, es necesario liquidar la sociedad legal de gananciales existente como consecuencia del matrimonio vigente hasta la defunción de D. Miguel. El presente dictamen se centra en la cautela socini, una figura utilizada frecuentemente por el testador con el fin de proteger y reforzar los derechos hereditarios del cónyuge supérstite. No obstante, ha generado polémica y controversia por entender que se grava la legítima de los herederos. A pesar de ello, esta figura ha sido admitida doctrinal y jurisprudencialmente.Because of Mr. Miguel’s death, the division and subsequent distribution of the inheritance assets among the heirs occurred. However, before carrying out such partitioning operations, it is necessary to liquidate the community property existing as a result of the current marriage until the death of Mr. Miguel. This opinion focuses on the cautela socini, a figure frequently used by the testator in order to protect and reinforce the inheritance rights of the surviving spouse. Nevertheless, it has generated controversy because it is understood that the heirs legitimacy is encumbered. In spite of that, this figure has been doctrinally and jurisprudentially admitted.Departamento de Derecho Civi

    El concurso de delitos

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    El presente trabajo versa sobre la concurrencia de varios delitos cometidos por una misma persona. El principal problema que se plantea es la delimitación entre aquellos supuestos en los que se comete una única infracción y, por tanto, habrá que aplicar un solo precepto de los concurrentes, y aquellos supuestos en que se cometen varios delitos, en cuyo caso estaremos ante un auténtico concurso de delitos. Además, será preciso distinguir cuándo un sujeto ha cometido una pluralidad de delitos a través de una única acción o a través de varias acciones, pues de ello va a depender que estemos ante un concurso ideal o real, lo cual tiene importantes consecuencias desde el punto de vista del régimen punitivo de ambos tipos de concurso.This work deals with the concurrence of several crimes committed by a same person. The main problem considered is the delimitation between those cases in which an only offense is committed and, therefore, a single precept will have to be applied, and those cases in which several crimes are committed, in which case we will face an authentic concurrence. Furthermore, it will be necessary to distinguish when a subject has committed multiple crimes by means of an only action or through various actions, since this will determine if we are facing an ideal or a real concurrence, which has important consequences from the punitive regime’s point of view of both types of concurrenceDepartamento de Derecho Penal e Historia y Teoría del DerechoGrado en Derech

    Stochastic precession of the polarization in a polariton laser

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    Microcavity polaritons in the lasing regime undergo a spontaneous symmetry breaking transition resulting in coherent emission with a well defined polarization. The order parameter is thus a vector describing both the laser global phase and polarization. Using an ultrafast single-shot detection technique we show that polariton lasing in GaAs-based microcavities presents a high degree of second order coherence (g(2)(τ=0)1g^{(2)}(\tau=0) \approx 1) above threshold, and that the initial polarization is stochastic, taking any possible direction in the Poincar\'e sphere (linear, elliptical or circular). Once the polarization direction is established, subsequent oscillations of the emission probability witness the presence of an intrinsic polarization splitting. Our results show the negligible role of polariton interactions in the total emission statistics and in the establishment of the initial polarization.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure